Sunday, January 11, 2015

Honduras || January 7th, 2015

Another fun, dirty, crazy day here in Honduras. This morning I meant to wake up with Nicole again to spend some time with Jesus, but my body said no and I slept in a little! We ate another yummy breakfast, packed up our stuff, and headed to San Martin.

San Martin was only about a 5 minute truck ride away, if that. Set up camp and got to work. Today I threw myself into the large animal group. It was finally my turn to castrate a horse! Until the horses for surgery showed up we dewormed a ton of horses. Similar to the dogs, I would squeeze liquid deworming medication into the horse's mouth. However, horses are bigger than dogs, so that's fun. I was glad to get more horse handling experience, especially with these horses that are not as used to human interaction. Heriberto, the ranch hand who helps us with the horses, pretty much only knows how to say "This horse is crazy" in English. 

Sylvalyn, a first year at A&M, deworming.

One horse for castration showed up and Zach was first to do one (I was second). I watched him and Dr. Todd, another vet from Kansas, castrate with the emasculators. Yes, the instrument we use is called an emasculator. Pretty nifty thing actually. So the next one was mine! When mine showed up I was super excited. We got him down, roped up, and then Dr. Todd started looking for the testicles and discovered it was a cryptorchid! So both of his testicles were still in his abdomen. So no castration for me. And then no other castration horses showed up the rest of the day.. but that's ok! I dewormed a few more horses and observed some of the spays and neuters.**

I also snagged this picture with a kid with a Texas shirt on! He was really confused.

The real excitement of the day was when I decided I could use the free time to play with the kids. It started with just playing with a blow up ball in a circle for a while which was fun of course. Then we moved on to "Pato, Pato, Ganzo" aka Duck, Duck, Goose. 

We also made bead bracelets with the kids. Each color of bead represented something different related to the Christian life. Black, sin. Red, Christ's blood. White, washed clean and pure by Christ's blood. Green, growing in Christ. and yellow, the streets of Gold in heaven. We had some of the kids read a little about each of these and it was really neat to see them listen and understand! And they loved the bracelets of course. At one point too they asked me about my phone, and so I took it out and they insisted on the pictures and wanted to see mine as well. 

Then more and more games and futbol, of course, to end the day. Before we left a cart pulled by oxen came by!

We actually walked back to the ranch because it was so close. 

Once we got back we decided we wanted to play more futbol. So the group of us played a quick game of soccer and volleyball before dinner which was so, so much fun. And hot. And sweaty. But fun.

Dinner was a yummy spaghetti with a Honduran twist, aka it was spicy and not really Italian tasting. We played some cards and actually learned a fun new one called Uker. Then some of the workers here at the ranch performed for us! They had a violin, guitar, shakers, and a turtle shell!! I was really into the music. 

Then we had our devotional and now I'm laying in my bed writing this and watching Nicole swat away bugs attacking her face because she's wearing a head lamp. Overall, another solid day. And I cannot thank the big guy enough for this opportunity.

Love you all. Pray that I don't get eaten alive tonight.

**in the middle of that sentence I hear Nicole say, "Sarah, there's a caterpillar crawling toward your backpack." So I had to stop typing, freak out, and then ask her to get it outside. I'm not proud of it. It wasn't even a cute caterpillar though. You would have to be here to understand.

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