Saturday, January 3, 2015

Made it to Honduras.

Warning: there are no pictures. Im having trouble uploading.

I'm typing up this first segment on the plane and already titled the post... So I hope I didn't jinx it! It was an early morning for us out of Houston! The international terminal was very busy and chaotic, but all six of us Aggie's made it through security and on the plane.

Ok, we actually made it. It was probably one of the craziest landings I've ever experienced. Not scary, but just different! Most of the descent was right in a valley and the airport is right up next to buildings.

We made it through customs without a hitch. They actually had these super cool finger scanning things which was fun. We met up with our group leaders from Honduras Outreach, ate our delicious lunches (thanks mom!), and then piled in the van.

We started our drive to Juticalpa, and I was lucky enough to earn the awkward jump seat thing in the aisle. But I was close to the window so I was able to really enjoy the views. Which were gorgeous by the way.

We stopped for a quick restroom break and snack at this little outpost. It was pretty funny because when they explained why we were stopping they told us we would get a drink and a "piece" of cookie. Luckily, I got a whole cookie, which was yummy.

Finally we made it to the hotel in Juticalpa around 6:30pm and had some time to settle into our rooms before dinner at 7. Dinner was delicious. Chicken, veggies and rice with a really yummy gravy. After we just sat around and talked for a bit then all headed to bed.

What a day! We're hoping that the rest of our team will make it to the ranch tomorrow. Lots of cancelled and delayed flights. Goodnight everyone! Thank you again for your support. Whether financially or in prayer, it's very much appreciated.

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