Monday, January 12, 2015

Honduras || January 8th, 2015

So I actually woke up when I meant to this morning! Nicole and I went out on the porch again and spent some time with the Lord. This morning the Lord really put this verse on my heart:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:8-9 NIV)

After another yummy breakfast and packing up all the supplies, we headed to our last village, Santa Ana, which was another short drive away from the ranch. We set up camp on the porch of the village school, which was nice because we could physically separate the large animals from the small with a fence and gate! 

I was about to start the day with a big doggie spay with Dr. Todd, but our first horse castration showed up while we were prepping! And I was the next in line for a castration! So Dr. Todd and I passed off the spay to Jacob and Dr. Natalee and went to prep the horse. 

I'll spare the dirty details, but Dr. Todd showed me how to do it on one testicle (or "juevos" is the slang spanish term for balls) and then he let me go alone on the second! It's hard because you're leaning over the rump of the beast, squatting down, but also, pretty fun because everything is just so much bigger than a dog neuter! Also, we literally use a tool called an emasculator. It clamps down and also has a cutting feature all in one. Dr. Todd told me I did a beautiful job and we let him wake up! If you're interested.. a video will be at the bottom of this page.

We just leave the juevos on the ground for the dogs to eat.. or in this case.. the chickens!

For a while I just helped anyone who needed things handed to them during surgery, etc. But while I was castrating, Dr. T and Sylvalyn had done a kitty spay and c-section. There were four kittens and sadly only one survived. But so, so cute, little (pequeñito), and fragile. 

Then before lunch, Dr. Todd and I did a cat spay! Well.. really I should say I did a cat spay with his supervision. He let me do pretty much the entire surgery and was so patient and helpful all the way through. The cat lived and now I've already done my first kitty spay! 

After lunch it was pretty slow. Just a couple more spays and one more horse castration. The horse was interesting because Dr. T could only palpate one testicle, and the veterinarians don't like to castrate if both are not present. However, the owner communicated that if we didn't castrate the horse he would sell it for meat. Hearing this, Dr. T told us to get it down with sedatives so she could take a closer look. Once she had him on his back she was able to find a tiny, underdeveloped testicle and Jacob removed that one. Then Catherine, the pre-vet undergrad from Auburn got to do the other one! It was a fun one to watch. 

Nicole and I took a quick break for a photo shoot. Mainly to show off the landscape.

Once everything started slowing down, we passed out the hygiene bags to the kids again and prayed with the people who were still there.

 We packed up and headed back to ranch. We played volleyball for a while, went and organized the supply closet, did some shopping at the ranch "store" and then had one last yummy dinner. After dinner Nicole and I led devotional together, which was great! Then we played more card games and then headed to bed. 

The last two days were travel days. I'm planning on writing a finale of sorts with pictures from those days and just a wrap up of the trip. But this was the last day of work! The four days of work flew by so fast.

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