So here’s the deal people.. My internet hasn’t been working
all weekend; so I apologize for the delay. I’m alive! Here’s today’s (Monday)
blog! Make sure you read my entries from this weekend though. INSANE weekend/
last three days!
This puppy was so concerned for the buffalo and would not leave her side
the whole time we worked on her. Look! It even has blood on its nose.
While we were waiting to check on the buffalo, Kirklin snapped this gem
of Tegan and me. Seriously so lucky I met these girls!
After we came back to the farm and let Valentino out of his pen and
brought him down to the yard in front of our houses for the afternoon. He was
so playful! I’m completely and totally obsessed with this little guy. He would
come right up to me and put his face right next to mine. He loves to be rubbed
right under his chin and I love to give him kisses! Here are some adorable
pictures of the silly boy.
Tonight we made a really good black bean stir fry and sat by
the fire again. I love hanging out with these other girls. We have so much fun
together. We started to watch 10 Things I Hate About You, but then we got our
internet back and everyone got distracted… We’ll finish it tomorrow.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Love you all,
pahaha I love those last two. I am SO happy you're having such an incredible trip! -Brittface :)